
Loch Brandy


I hope that you are well and have had a lovely weekend.

Today I thought Id share a couple of simple shots from a recent hike up Loch Brandy.

Loch Brandy is a superb example of a mountain corrie, backed by craggy slopes and cradling a perfect loch. The walk has the benefit of a very well-constructed path making this a good short and relatively easy hillwalk.



GF1 Adventure.

Lumix GF1 images Holly statue


I wanted to post some images that were recently taken on my Lumix GF1

I am certainly loving this little point and shoot camera. I have a fixed 20mm prime lens for it, which i find to be a great tool on improving your photography. When using a prime lens you are restricted to compose by using...- your feet!

If you want a tighter crop then walk closer, and so it is certainly making me look at things differently.

Having a little point and shoot on your person is great so you don't miss anything when you are out and about conducting your day to day business.

Lumix GF1 images light dark light Cambridge
Lumix GF1 images London train

The Above image is a great example of this, I was out in Cambridge to get a spot for lunch, and walking towards the restaurant we walked past this tiny alleyway. I stopped,

I took a step back and loved how the light was playing a huge part in making the contrast you see. I took a quick shot and off for some grub.

Over time I will be adding some more "snappy" shots that I take with the GF1. I hope that you enjoy it.

Lumix GF1 images London under ground
Lumix GF1 images London alley way bar Lamb and Lion Covent garden
Lumix GF1 images London ale bar beer 
Lumix GF1 images beach stones lake side
Lumix GF1 images Lake district Kendal