alamy — Lee Ramsden — Lee Ramsden


Example of my work in use.

Manchester, castle gardens, Alamy, street, lighting, uk, northwest, commissioned work, book cover, lee ramsden


Today thought id she a couple of my images and how varied their usages can be. 

The above image was taken back in 2009, on my first Dslr camera, an old Nikon D90. In comparison today, my iPhone can take better images. 

This image of a street in Manchester has been purchased for the front cover of a fiction crime novel by the talented author Bill Rogers. 

His publishers added the people and colour graded the image, but it is nice to see an image of mine in print. 

Bill Rogers, the tangled lock, national crime agency, lee ramsden
Bill Rogers, the tangled lock, book cover, lee ramsden

My images are sold either directly, or through the stock site Alamy.  

Once a sale occurs I am not privy to who the customer is, but with the powerful tools around, like googles reverse image search it is nice to find my images around the internet. 

