

A derrick is a structure over an oil well which supports the drilling equipment and allows it to be lifted into and out of the wellbore.

The term derrick originates from Thomas Derrick, an English executioner c. 1608.

In English history, the executioner was not a commonly chosen career path because of the risk of friends and families of the deceased knowing who the executioner was and where to find him. Executioners were sometimes coerced into the role. Derrick in particular had been convicted of rape but was pardoned by the Earl of Essex (clearing him of the death penalty) on the condition that he became an executioner at Tyburn.

Derrick executed more than 3,000 people in his career, including his pardoner, the Earl of Essex, in 1601. Derrick devised a beam with a topping lift and pulleys for his hangings, instead of the old-fashioned rope over the beam method.

The word derrick became an eponym for the frame from which the hangman's noose was supported and through that usage (by analogy) to modern-day cranes.

BP Miller, breaking containment

blog, breaking containment, breathing, aparatus, BA, compressed air, drilling, BP Miller, decommissioning, Petrofac, Saipem, Jose, Lee Ramsden, industrial photographer


Today id like to show some images of large task involved when safely decommissioning an oil and gas rig. The task is called breaking containment. 

breaking of containment, gas, h2s, drill, breathing aparatus, BA, oxygen bottle, safety equipment, RPE, industrial photographer, Lee Ramsden

Where pipework has to be cut or flanges opened, we have to prove what was inside the pipe work previously, to ensure that it is safe via a gas test.

breaking,containment, wearing, BA, breathing, saber, drager, aparatus, oxygen bottles, RPE, safety, offshore, oil and gas, Lee Ramsden

To prove that the pipe is safe to cut a gas test is required.  As the pipework has not yet been proven safe, all this is conducted under full breathing apparatus to protect the technicians drilling into the pipes from hazardous substances. 

Breaking containment, drilling, gas testing, breathing aparatus, BA, RPE, safety equipment, industrial, Photography, Lee Ramsden, Offshore, north sea, oil and gas industry
Breaking containment, drilling, gas testing, breathing aparatus, BA, RPE, safety equipment, industrial, Photography, Lee Ramsden, Offshore, north sea, oil and gas industry 02