jack up

Jackup Bridge.

Good morning,

Above are a couple of images, from a recent trip to a jack-up barge, the JB115.

The JB115 is owned by the company JUB (Jack up barge)

She is an accommodation vessel, housing 64 persons. (with an option to increase to 120)

The JB-115 is a MSC SEA-2000 self-elevating unit and built in 2009. It’s registered with ABS.

The leg length is 80 meter and has a maximum payload of 1,250 tons and in addition has a crane capacity of 300 tons.



A ship with legs.

Good morning.

Images of the Wind Orca with a walk to work bridge.

The Wind Orca vessel provides a safe, efficient, and reliable solution for the installation, maintenance, and decommissioning of wind farm projects. Their advanced specifications set the industry benchmark for vessel transit speed, lifting capability, DP station keeping and jacking speed, offering a significantly improved operating weather window. They are fitted with high-quality equipment, supported by advanced preventative maintenance systems, and incorporate a significant level of operating redundancy. Safety is enhanced through a 6-leg design that allows them to operate even on sites with the most challenging seabed conditions.

Let me know what you think of these recent posts I love to hear from you on Instagram @lee_ramsden

